Saturday, February 23, 2008


I went with my mom to the art museum today. My dad had cheerfully volunteered to stay home and install a new faucet on the sink :) I had never actually been to an "Art Museum" before, or at least not that I remember. Heh, I guess I didn't really believe the things people say about modern art. Some of the artwork I did when I was 5 was better than that stuff.

I did really enjoy the Roman exhibit. It was fascinating to see what the people from my history book and even the bible had really looked like. By the end I was done looking at statues And busts. I can only take so many lifeless eyes glaring at me. I do wonder what it was like for them to have someone make a statue of them. I bet they never imagined it would be in an art museum thousands of years later with so many people shuffling past it. art museum would be the perfect setting for some kind of horror story. It all made me think of Night at the Museum. I would not want to be there when some of that stuff came alive. I can imagine the sheer terror that would ensue.

I was really there to look at the Renaissance art and was disappointed that they only had about 10 or 15 paintings from that time period, but they were interesting nonetheless. It was cool how the paintings varied by what country they were from.


Araken said...

Ha! I know, modern art is tweaked! There's some famous guy who paints stick figures worse than I do and gets thousands for it! Not fair! All I'd have to do would be to add spiky hair to my stick figures and I'd make a fortune, lol. Nice post, by the way.

Me said...

Hi! I totally agree with the whole 'art' thing. I heard of a art piece that has one black spot in the middle (that's it) and it's worth ALOT of money

Nuntius said...

It's peculiar, to be sure, that such unpleasant and sloppy "works" can be considered art. In a century, people will look back and call today's "modern art" one of the driest periods in human creativity.

You went to *The* art museum, right? And I'm with your dad, I'll help fix the faucet, *just don't make me go look at art!*

KaleCharis said...

Yeah, in downtown.

I did like the cars in the foyer :P