Sunday, January 27, 2008

I'm back at long last.

Well, I seem to have neglected posting on here for quite some time, but I won't lie and say it was an accident. I've been busy and I think I've grown up a little bit.

I went to camp last weekend and God really met me there in a new way. Something I thought was cool was that I'd been struggling with things and every time one of the leaders would pray for me they would pray and it would be for the exact thing I need. There was no way they could have known and it just seemed like it was God's way of saying he loves me. He really gave me a faith that's's not my family's faith or my parent's, but it's really mine and I've never really had that before. It's so weird now because I feel so confident in him. I'm not so shy about things anymore and I really feel like he has given me a new sense of freedom.

Oh, and Y'all wanna know the coolest thing? God dances! He does! He picks me up and spins me around!


Nuntius said...

That's really cool. It's an interesting time when you realize that your Faith is truly your own, and not just a bunch of words you say and actions you do.

From your profile: "I really want to go into some kind of medicine when I get older..."
Oh really? Like an ingredient? You want to be in Tylenol or Dymetap?