Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Wardrobe.

Well, here I am about to set out on my own adventure. The closer I get to my trip the more intimidating it is and also the more excited I get. I'm in awe of all that God has done for me and all that he is.

In a way, I think that next Friday, as I get on that plane I'll be walking through my own wardrobe into my own Narnia. I hope that I'll have Courage like Peter and faith like Lucy and That I'll experience God just like they got to see Aslan face to face.

Here are some things to pray for:

Please pray for me and for the whole team. It's kind of intimidating for me to be on a missions team with people who are twice my age at least. I'm not sure what to expect, but I know God is going to do some amazing things.

Pray that the people's hearts would be open. We're setting up a medical clinic where people can not only get medical care, but also hear the message of the gospel.

Pray for our host missionaries that the team being there would just really be encouraging to them.

Pray for Safety on the long plane ride and while we're there. Also that no one would get sick or have trouble with altitude sickness and that we would be able to operate in grace despite jet-lag and exhaustion.


Araken said...

Alright, will do, and have fun!

Rebekah said...

Hey! That is SO exciting!!! I will pray!!! I hope God grows and stretches you in amazing ways!!! :)